Primary and secondary school students will not be allowed to bring mobile phones to schools, according to the circular from the Ministry of Education (MOE).教育部发布的通知明确,中小学生原则上不得将个人手机带入校园。
这里用primary and secondary school表示“中小学”,具体来说,primary school通常指代“小学”,也可以用elementary school来替换,而secondary school指“介于小学和大学之间的教育机构”,即“中学”,是各类中等教育学校的统称,既包括普通的初高中,也包括职高、技校等教育机构。我们更加熟悉的middle school在英语国家通常指“五年级(或六年级)到八年级的学校”,即“初中”。
If students do need to bring mobile phones to school, a written application should be submitted to school authorities along with consent from their parents.学生确有将手机带入校园需求的,须经学生家长同意、书面提出申请。
Once the application has been approved, students should hand in their mobile phones to relevant school authorities upon arrival. The phones will be kept together and should by no means be allowed into classrooms, according to the circular.
这里的by no means表达的是绝对的否定“决不”,与其相似的另一个短语by all means则表示“必定、一定”这样肯定的意思,比如:By all means, come to our party if you end up being free on Saturday night!(周六晚上如果能抽出空,一定要来我们的派对),此外,by all means还可以表示“想尽一切办法、千方百计”等意思,比如:There will be a lot of people at this event, but we need to court that one big investor by all means.(这个活动来的人会很多,但我们要想尽一切办法抓住那个大投资人)。
Schools should not assign or ask students to do homework via mobile phones and they should set up public phones and teacher hotlines for communication between parents and students, it added.
老师不得使用手机布置作业或要求学生利用手机完成作业。学校应通过设立校内公共 *** 、班主任沟通热线等途径,解决学生与家长通话需求。
The notice aims to protect students' eyesight, make sure they focus on study and prevent them from becoming addictive to the internet and online games.印发该通知意在保护学生视力,让学生在学校专心学习,防止沉迷 *** 和游戏。
未成年人身心健康 physical and mental health of youngsters
防沉迷系统 anti-addiction system
青少年模式 teen mode
留守儿童 left-behind children
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)